Hello CAREWare MA providers, Due to the COVID-19 situation, the deadline to submit February data will be extended to Wednesday April 15th. As a reminder, for security reasons, CAREWareMA data entry is only allowable from your agency’s physical location. We recognize that
March 5, 2020: February data entry deadline + data quality reminders
Hello CAREWare MA providers, This email includes: (1) a reminder of the deadline for February 2020 data, (2) clarifications on how to enter income, enrollment date, and Commonwealth Care, and (3) a reminder to check your data quality. All service
February 10, 2020: January data entry deadline extended
Hello CAREWare MA providers, This email includes: (1) the deadline for January 2020 data, (2) a reminder about CAREWare 6, and (3) a reminder to check your data quality. Deadline extended: all service data through January 2020 should be in
February 4, 2020: RSR provider report is now open
Hello CAREWare MA providers, The RSR Provider Report is now open! Go to HRSA’s web application HRSA’s Electronic Handbook (EHB) system to get started: https://performance.hrsa.gov/hab/RegLoginApp/Admin/Login.aspx All provider reports must be completed by Friday February 21st for MDPH to review. The client-level XML
February 4, 2020: CAREWare 6 is online!
Dear CAREWare MA providers, We are happy to announce that CAREWare 6 is now online! Your credentials for both Remote Desktop and CAREWare remain unchanged. To access CAREWare, use the same steps: Log into Remote Desktop first. CAREWare will open
February 3, 2020: CAREWare MA offline today
Good morning, The CAREWare MA data system will be offline today (Monday February 3rd) due to additional testing related to the CAREWare 6 upgrade. We anticipate that the system will be available tomorrow (Tuesday February 4th). We will send out
January 23, 2020: CAREWare unavailable 1/25 – 1/31
Dear CAREWare MA providers, CAREWare MA will be unavailable this Saturday, January 25, through Friday January 31, 2020 in order to upgrade to CAREWare 6. We will notify users when the system is back online. As we transition, below are a few
January 15, 2020: 2019 RSR deadlines and resources
Hello CAREWare MA providers, As a reminder, your agency must submit the 2019 RSR (Ryan White Services Report). This is because your agency received federal funding from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program in 2019, as part of your contract with the
January 8, 2020: December data entry deadline + supervisor webinar posted and transitioning to CAREWare 6 + final reminder to renew user agreements
Hello CAREWare MA providers, This email includes: (1) the deadline for December 2019 data, (2) a final reminder to renew your User Agreement for 2020, (3) updates on supervisor webinar and transitioning to CAREWare 6 and (4) a reminder to check