JSI Resources
Log-In Instructions
Log-In instructions may be requested by contacting us at CAREWareMAhelpdesk@jsi.com.
Unlocking Your Account and Resetting Your Password
These Password Instructions will help you unlock your own CAREWare account and reset your own password. You no longer need to call the Helpdesk in order to do so.
This Data Entry Tip Sheet provides information on how to enter client data.
This Client Search Tip Sheet provides information on how to search for existing clients.
Acuity/ISP List Custom Report Tip Sheet
This Acuity/ISP List Custom Report Tip Sheet provides information on how to run the custom report called “Acuity/ISP List (MCM)” in CAREWare.
This Report Instructions document provides instructions on how to run various reports in CAREWare MA.
This document provides instructions on how run a PDE from CAREWare.
RSR Data Updates and Report Instructions
This document provides instructions on making data corrections for the RSR, as well as running RSR data validation and missing data reports.
COVID-19 Data Report (CDR) Instructions
This document provides instructions on how to submit the CDR Report.
Data Security Tips for Working Remotely
This document provides tips and best practices across organizations to help support data security for program staff that are working remotely.