Hello CAREWare MA providers,
This email includes: (1) a reminder about the August 2017 data entry deadline and (2) a reminder on how to check your data quality.
- All service data through August 2017 should be in CAREWare MA by Friday, September 15, 2017.
- As a reminder, data for each month must be entered into CAREWare MA by the 15th of the next month. If the 15th is on a weekend or holiday, the deadline will be the next business day.
- If your data are not submitted by the deadline, they may not be included in the reports JSI provides to MA DPH.
- Data import providers only: please look for separate email correspondence and let us know if you have any questions.
- Remember to check your data quality each month! To review your data:
- Run the “Financial Report” with “Include subservice detail” selected. This report shows your data in summary form.
- If your organization submits an RSR, run the “missing eligibility” report to ensure that all of your clients are designated as Ryan White eligible.
- Detailed instructions to run these and other reports are now available for download at http://carewarema.jsi.com/materials/instructions-and-tip-sheets/
JSI sends monthly provider-level reports to MA DPH. These summary reports include the number of clients served, and the number of units delivered by service type. These reports do not contain any personal/identifying information.
As always, please direct any questions or feedback to our helpdesk at CAREWareMAhelpdesk@jsi.com.
Your CAREWare MA helpdesk team,
Mira, Molly and Chris
September 6, 2017: August data entry deadline, data quality checks, and updates for data import sites