Dear MassCARE providers,

Some new tabs and fields are now available CAREWare MA. New fields for MassCARE providers fall into three categories: (1) Clinical information, (2) MassCARE, and (3) Pregnancy. These new fields should be completed for all HIV positive clients that received services after July 1, 2017.

Here’s a brief summary of the field updates:

    • In addition to CD4 count and viral load, the clinical information section now allows you to enter data for STIs, HCV and TB screenings, as well as pelvic exams and Pap tests.
    • The MassCARE tab now includes data you have been collecting on paper. These include information about country of birth and primary language, enrollment of family members, employment and education, and caregiver information.
    • The Pregnancy tab also includes data you previously collected on paper, including key pregnancy dates, prenatal care information and information about ART.

Details of these updates can be found on the Materials page of our website: Specifically, we have posted MassCARE versions of both the CAREWare MA fields and definitions document and the (optional) paper data collection form.

As always, if you have any questions, or need any support during this period please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Your CAREWare MA helpdesk team,

Mira, Molly and Chris

August 7, 2017: New CAREWare MA fields for MassCARE (MassCARE Providers Only)

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