Hello CAREWare MA providers,

This email includes: (1) the September 2022 data entry deadline, (2) a helpful tip about clearing your CAREWare browser cache, and (3) a reminder about checking your data quality.

  •  Data entry deadline
    • The CAREWare MA data entry deadline for September data will be Monday, October 17. As a reminder, data for each month must be entered into CAREWare MA by the 15th of the next month. If the 15th is on a weekend or holiday, the deadline will be the next business day.
    • If your data are not submitted by the deadline, they may not be included in the reports JSI provides to MA DPH. 
  • Experiencing glitches? Try clearing your cache!
    • Follow these instructions to clear your cache once in a while. This is not a requirement; it is an optional strategy you can try if needed. 
      1. In the CAREWare Microsoft Edge browser, click on the three dots in the upper right corner. In the menu that appears, click ‘History’.
      2. Click on the three dots that appear in the History menu. Select ‘Clear browsing data’.
      3. A ‘Clear Browsing Data’ window will appear in a new Settings tab. Under ‘Time Range’, select ‘All Time’. You do not need to select additional options beyond the default checkbox selection. Select ‘Clear now’.
      4. Your cache is now clear! Exit the window and re-open it to continue logging on to CAREWare.
  • Remember to check your data quality each month! To review your data:
    • Run the “Financial Report” with “Include subservice detail” selected. This report shows your data in summary form.
    • If your organization submits an RSR, run the “missing eligibility” report to ensure that all of your clients are designated as Ryan White eligible.
    • Detailed instructions to run these and other reports are available for download at http://carewarema.jsi.com/materials/instructions-and-tip-sheets/.

JSI sends monthly provider-level reports to MA DPH. These summary reports include the number of clients served, and the number of units delivered by service type. These reports do not contain any personal/identifying information. 

As always, please direct any questions or feedback to our helpdesk at CAREWareMAhelpdesk@jsi.com.


Your CAREWare MA helpdesk team,

Molly, Becky, Shelby, and MariAnna

October 3, 2022: September Data Entry Deadline + Clearing Your Cache

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