Hello CAREWare MA providers,

This email includes: (1) the January 2021 data entry deadline, (2) an update on ARCH program requirements, (3) a reminder about checking your data quality, and (4) an announcement about a new mailing list from JSI’s Technical Assistance for Service Integration (TA4SI) team (click here to sign up).

  1. January data entry deadline
    • The CAREWare MA data entry deadline for January data will be Tuesday, February 16.
    • As a reminder, data for each month must be entered into CAREWare MA by the 15th of the next month. If the 15th is on a weekend or holiday, the deadline will be the next business day.
    • If your data are not submitted by the deadline, they may not be included in the reports JSI provides to MA DPH.
  2. Updates to ARCH Program Requirements
    • Effective 1/1/21, ARCH programs are now required to conduct an acuity assessment at intake and an acuity reassessment at discharge. Previously, ARCH programs were required to complete an acuity assessment at intake and every three months afterwards.
    • The requirement for ISPs will remain the same. ISPs must be completed at intake and every 6 months that clients are enrolled in the program.
  3. Remember to check your data quality each month! To review your data:
    • Run the “Financial Report” with “Include subservice detail” selected. This report shows your data in summary form.
    • If your organization submits an RSR, run the “missing eligibility” report to ensure that all of your clients are designated as Ryan White eligible.
    • Detailed instructions to run these and other reports are available for download at http://carewarema.jsi.com/materials/instructions-and-tip-sheets/.

The TA4SI project has established a new mailing list! Click here to subscribe.

JSI’s Technical Assistance for Service Integration (TA4SI) project provides technical assistance to BIDLS-funded agencies with a focus on service integration across HIV, hepatitis, STIs, and latent tuberculosis care and management. Here are just a few of the resources we have launched in the new year so far:

 To learn more about TA4SI, visit https://ta4si.jsi.com.

JSI sends monthly provider-level reports to MA DPH. These summary reports include the number of clients served, and the number of units delivered by service type. These reports do not contain any personal/identifying information.

As always, please direct any questions or feedback to our helpdesk at CAREWareMAhelpdesk@jsi.com.

Your CAREWare MA helpdesk team,
Molly H-B, Chris, Wayne, Molly R., and Mira


February 2, 2021: January Data Entry Deadline + updates to ARCH requirements

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