Hello CAREWare MA providers,

As a reminder, your agency must submit the 2017 RSR (Ryan White Services Report). This is because your agency received federal funding from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program in 2017, as part of your contract with the Office of HIV/AIDS.

By February 19, 2018, your organization must meet these two deadlines:

  • Complete the Provider Report in HRSA’s Electronic Handbook (EHB) (it opens on February 5 and we strongly encourage you to complete the provider report as early as you can.)
  • Generate a client-level data file from CAREWare and upload it to the EHB for MDPH review.

To prepare, please continue cleaning your data in CAREWare!

Additional RSR Resources:

  1. HRSA’s Electronic Handbook (EHB) system can be accessed at: https://performance.hrsa.gov/hab/RegLoginApp/Admin/Login.aspx
  2. For forms, instructions, and on-line technical assistance for the RSR, please go to: http://hab.hrsa.gov/manageyourgrant/clientleveldata.html
  3. The TARGET Center website has RSR resources at: https://careacttarget.org/category/topics/ryan-white-services-report-rsr

As always, please direct any questions to our helpdesk at CAREWareMAhelpdesk@jsi.com.

Your CAREWare MA helpdesk team,

Molly, Chris, Ashley and Mira

January 12, 2018: 2017 RSR deadlines and resources

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